Tuesday 19 July 2011

MOTD - Burlesque

MOTD aka Movie of the day.

I must confess, I'm not a big movie buff.. I prefer watching television shows, mainly for the continuity. You get to watch the characters that you fall in love with develop into well mostly complete disappointments but at least we get to see more of them that way! That's just me, the only genre I thoroughly enjoy watching and getting the whole cinematic experience for is the sci-fi/fantasy one. I love watching someone's imagination enfolding in front me, it's a form of art that deserves to be seen on the big screen. Some may say the same for all the other genres but hey that's just my opinion and personal choice.

Anyways, thanks to my sheer boredom off lately (and by lately I mean the last 2-3 years), I have decided to give movie watching a go and sometimes it is a pretty pleasant experience.

The movie that I saw today was "Burlesque". I've been meaning to watch it for sometime, hoping to find some one who would be willing to sit through it with me and after all this time just gave up and decided to watch it by myself. It's a good thing, I would have not heard the end of it if I had forced some one to watch it with me.

Don't get me wrong, I didn't hate it.. But let's just say that musicals are not for everyone. Christina Aguilera is not much of an actress but boy can she sing, that's what makes the movie bearable, otherwise it's just a typical sappy "Coyote Ugly" sort-ov clone.. Although I must admit I liked Coyote ugly also.

To sum it up, you'd like it if you like Christina Aguilera and musicals. Nothing extra ordinary, but it's good if you want to kill some time. Like I read somewhere, this movie is good for the ladies and their gay BFFs.

On another note, I really loved the following look of Christina Aguilera and hope to do a tutorial on it someday.

And as a final note, I must say Ali aka Christina should really have gotten that haircut. Her hair looks horrible and in her everyday non-glamorous avatar she looked pretty trashy. She looks way better with the costumes and the heavy make up and I'm not sure if that's a compliment! 

I'd give it **i/2 out of 5.

Till I blog again, Ta x

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