Saturday 16 July 2011

Facebook.. Friend or Foe?

Image courtesy of Google

Hello there! Unless we're friends or related, by some sheer miracle you've managed to stumble upon my humble little blog.. that too the first post/blog ever! I don't know how people generally do this as I'm pretty new to this but I'm going to get into it which ever way I please.. After all it is my blog!

The latest dilemma of my pretty boring life has been Facebook. It has been the bane of my existence for quite some time now! I'm not very social, I tend to go through extreme ups and downs as far as socializing goes, so if nothing else that was what Facebook was actually good at, helping me keep in touch with friends and family that live far far away or the ones you don't see that much anymore and I do have a fair share of those people in my life. Other than my immediate family, there are quite a few people I see on a regular basis. These days I hardly see anyone at all. 

Anyways not going to dwell further on my current routine, we've got Facebook to bitch about in this blog! I've had proper relationships gone sour on me over and on Facebook. I'm not a very aggressive person to be honest, I mind my own business, I don't bother people but I've had the biggest fights of my life on Facebook. I've lost family and friends whilst interacting on Facebook. Things that could have been avoided were exploited and therefore destroyed on Facebook. Is it over-saturation? Do people live on Facebook now? You get to find out personal details of people's lives (if you're dumb enough to let them slip and mostly people do) on Facebook. The thing called privacy has gone pretty limited as far as Facebook is concerned. If someone has a dislike for you which you can't or won't be able to tell in real life, well that person can rarely be that diplomatic on Facebook and sooner or later by some action of theirs it is made pretty darn clear, Especially if you're as annoyingly obsessive as I am.

Maybe someday when I feel inspired I'll do a proper psychological analysis of myself but for now it's back to bashing Facebook - LOL (I so badly want to use those annoying/cutesy face symbols.. Gosh what were they called again?? But anyways I would like the blog to be a bit sophisticated, well at least to begin with).

Anyways coming back to the topic, I deleted or as my brother would correct me "de-activated" my account recently which I know will eventually commence onto bitching and moaning and protests of my return, BUT this time I shall not cave in. I'm boycotting it for as long as, well I'll keep you posted.

The other annoying aspect of Facebook off recently for me is this weird and annoying feeling called "envy" - which is quite new to me to be honest. I'm at such a standstill in my life that every little thing ticks me off. I have the "Anywhere but here" attitude going on due to all the things that has been happening in my life since the last couple of years. I have not settled or adjusted yet, mainly because I don't want to... So when whats your face posts the latest insights into her perfect life on Facebook, it pisses me off! Even though I know each and every person out there have their fair share of problems, very few people like talking about their problems, i definitely don't.. Maybe that's why I am unable to wind up this blog, it's like having a conversation with somebody who at least won't judge me on my face. Anyways the envy spell was driving me crazy, perfect families, relaxing vacations, luxurious holidays (two very different things if you ask me), latest blings and achievements etc. blahhhh all so annoying as it makes me feel useless! Don't get me wrong, I am blessed with a comfortable life. There are so many people out there with actual problems but considering I live in my very own bubble (literally) and tend to avoid serious matters and situations, they don't bother me too much - as they say "Ignorance is bliss".

I know I have to get out of this bubble and I plan to. God knows how but somehow, one way or another I will.. sometimes I want to scream out the words of that Savage Garden song "I WANT TO LIVE! CARELESS AND FREE". Umm I see I've gone off topic again, so anyways.. I'd like to leave this question roaming out there in cyberspace.. Is Facebook friend or foe? Is it just me? Have I gone so neurotic?

I'll run along now, will leave you folks with the Savage Garden song I was talking about earlier. Pray for my sanity.. Maybe soon "Happy people" won't piss me off so much =D (I had to do it!)

Image courtesy of Google


P.S I'm going to try my hand at Photoshop or something to make the blog look somewhat pretty eventually.. for now it's going to be simple and err amateur!

x x x

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